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Who, What, Why

What is a Supersize Life and a Supersize Life Blog?

Who, What, Why By August 15, 2016 Tags: , , , , 11 Comments

 Look out Shirley Valentine, my hero, Debbie LaFleiche is downsizing her home to supersize her life.  I am on a quest for a life filled with adventure, creativity, fun, freedom and water as deep as forever.  Come along for the ride.  Join the journey. I wrote that a month ago at the end of the inaugural […]


How to Change a Light Bulb or Four Years of Planning, Really?

Who, What, Why By August 8, 2016 Tags: , , 11 Comments

Changing a light bulb in my house goes something like this: My sister, who comes to Alaska regularly as a flight attendant, is overnighting with me.  She comes into a room, notices a bulb is out and says, “Did you know that bulb is out?” I look up from whatever I’m doing and say, “Yeah, […]


What Happens When Two Roads Converge or Why Now?

Who, What, Why By July 25, 2016 Tags: , , 9 Comments

You know the Robert Frost poem about two roads diverging?  Everyone knows that poem.  Even people who don’t know poetry know that poem.  The road less traveled and all that.  The narrator walks a path that forks.  A choice must be made.  And, he chooses the one less traveled and that, he concludes, “has made all the […]


Giving Up Greece or Why I Started This Blog

Who, What, Why By July 17, 2016 Tags: , , , 22 Comments

Today I turn 50. For years, if you asked how I’d be spending this birthday, the answer was simple: you’d find me in Greece. Ever since I saw the British movie Shirley Valentine (watch the trailer here) I’ve been obsessed with vacationing in Greece, obsessed with having a vacation like hers.  I would swim in […]
