I am a planner. If you’ve been reading this blog or know me personally, you already know this. When it comes to adventures, I research for hours. I get almost as much pleasure out of the planning of travel and adventures as I do the travel and adventure itself. That said, every once in a […]

No, it’s not a typo. Let’s just say I’m a little late in getting this post out. When I started this post, it was going to be the Lists of First–that’s Lists with an “s”–for both 2022 and 2023. But with so many fun things to report, I decided to break them up into two […]
After spending time revising the article on games for RVers, I kept coming back to the idea of walking as the perfect exercise for RVers. But I had to remind myself that, first, walking is not a game. And, second, the post wasn’t about exercise per se. By now you know how my mind works. […]
A couple months ago, I played horseshoes and Bocce Ball at a public park Lately, I’ve been thinking about outdoor games for RVers and decided it would be a good time to revisit this post I originally wrote 3 years ago. As with all revisited posts, anything in purple is new content, thoughts, ideas, etc. […]
I was getting ready to start a new post about easy-to-use gadgets in RV life when I realized most of the items on my current list were related to the time we spend in our RV bed. So a post on the specific things to make an RV bed more functional and more comfortable seemed […]
When talking to other RVers, I love to hear what they are obsessed about when it comes to travel and RV life. I have met people who want to visit every major baseball league stadium or every one of the 63 National Parks. Another woman I know visits only state parks and never stays at […]